A release form granting permission to host the presentation video online (to be accessed by the virtual conference attendees) must be uploaded before November 10 November 12, alongside with the presentation video and the slides. The form to be filled in can be downloaded here.
Please keep in mind that keeping 2-4 minutes for questions (ideally, 3 minutes is perfect) helps interaction. Please try to avoid using the maximum 13 minutes time, as this might prevent you from completing interesting post-presentation live exchanges with the audience.
Recommended and maximum video length for tutorial presentations is total time minus 3 minutes.
Please note the above specifications will be checked at the time of submission, and files not meeting them will be prevented from being uploaded. Presentations can be shorter than the indicated time, which is the maximum length allowed, providing more time for questions and discussion. Except for the above duration and digital constraints, the form of the presentation is left free (though please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention to IEEE-CDC 2021).
While there are many different options for recording your videos, an effective recording tool is embedded in the Zoom platform (the one that will be used for the conference sessions). It suffices to create a meeting where the speaker is the only participant, share the screen (the slides) and activate the camera of your laptop so that the speaker’s face is visible. Then, through the “Record” button you can easily generate your video. Please refer to the following link for further indications: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362473-Local-Recording
Please also note that the 16:9 aspect ratio for your video is well associated with the 4:3 aspect ratio of your slides, so that there will be enough room for your thumbnail at the side of the slides, as in the image below:
In recording your video, please pay attention to the following aspects:
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