All papers must be submitted electronically using PaperPlaza. Submission site opens in January 2021.
Only PDF files will be accepted. A maximum file size of 2MB for all uploaded papers is enforced. Click here for information on creating IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.
Page size requirement:
Caution: US Letter and margins settings below are required for the final submission.
Paper Spec | Dimensions |
Paper Size | 8.5 x 11.0 in 21.59 x 27.94 cm |
Top Margin (1st Page) | 1.0in | 2.54cm |
Top Margin (Pages 2+) | 0.75in | 1.9cm |
Left Margin | 0.75in | 1.9cm |
Right Margin | 0.75in | 1.9cm |
Bottom Margin | 0.75in | 1.9cm |
Note: Initial submissions may be up to 8 pages. However, for final submission, paper should be 6 pages long. Any page over 6 pages will incur an overlength page charge up to a maximum of two extra pages.
Caution: Style files and templates provided here have been created to ensure that margin requirement is adequately met.
REMINDER: Authors are responsible for submitting their paper in the required format. All papers that are accepted will be published as submitted by the Author. The Conference is NOT responsible for editing or correcting errors in the paper.
MS Word template: Sample Documents: | LaTeX style file: LaTeX sample document: |
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